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One Day Retreat with Antarma & Simply Spiritual Healing 50% discount



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Want to learn more about the One Day Retreat with Antarma & Simply Spiritual Healing 50% discount?


Retreat with us into a sacred space where we will be journeying deep into Antarma’s, Paul’s & Kayley’s practices.

You will experience lots of high energy drumming, celebration, poetry raps and joyful collaboration as well as the deep mantra and relaxing vibrations. All infused with the medicine of ceremonial cacao.

It will be a life affirming, purifying and nourishing experience. We are thankful to share the energies:
Sitting together in Circle, welcoming and releasing sacred tears of laughter, grief and joy and inviting in the deepest peace
Calling upon the energies of nature, Sanskrit mantras and songs
Ecstatic dancing with African djembe drumming and rhythms
Creative flow, poetry and prayer
Universal heart songs with gentle guitar
Honouring ancient traditions and welcome in joyful playful presence in the moment too!

  • Cacao
  • Mantra
  • Kirtan
  • Yantra puja
  • Djembe
  • Dance
  • Celebration and Peace prayers.
  • Fruits & Picking foods for grounding after.


Children are welcome and the musical parts will be fun, however for the more silent deep moments parents are requested to take care of their child out of the space if the child is not able to hold the silence. There is a lovely area downstairs with lots of room for children to explore and sofas etc for comfort.

Children under 8 can enter for Free with their parent/carer.

About Antarma

Growing up in London, Antarma’s influences and collaborations are truly multicultural – from Ancient Sanskrit Mantras of the Sanatan Dharma Indian Tradition as well as the Amazonian, Sufi and African Brazilian Sacred Traditions. He integrated these teachings into his music skills as a rapper and percussionist, then made his name busking on the streets of London, immersing hundreds with a single drum and vocal.
Antarma took this same vibrancy into powerful events that fuse meditation, chanting, song and dance into a fully interactive journey, bringing audiences into deep connection and ecstatic joy – an experience to celebrate life’s ups and downs together. Whether playing solo for thousands at festivals or intimate groups at retreats / events, he takes people through transformational, life affirming experiences with music, joyful celebration, poetry and mantra sadhana (practice).
His upbeat Djembe Drumming can make any crowd go wild and come together. Often you will find him dancing amongst them getting everyone involved.  His unique spectrum of Deeply Relaxing Mantras Slokas (verses), guided meditations and specially adapted English mantra translations, with blessing of his Guru Mata Vijnanamba Paramahamsa Parivrajika, make the meaning of ancient Slokas of Sanatan Dharma feel relevant to the minds and hearts of today.
Antarma’s debut singles, Aum Shakti Aum, Yemanja and Just to Live, have been well received and it is humbling to hear how many hearts continue to feel deeply moved by the message and Peace that comes through the songs.
Antarma has shared globally at live concerts, ceremonies and retreats in the UK, Portugal, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, France, Bali, India, Malaysia and more. He has featured at festivals including Udaya Live – Bulgaria, Geneva International Yoga Festival, Mind Body Spirit – London, LoveJam, All About Love and Medicine in England.
All the music mantras and practices Antarma shares are intended to bring the highest, deepest Peace, Joy, Celebration and Love for all hearts, for nature and for all beings. Honouring and giving Gratitude to the Sacred Traditions and for life Herself!
It’s a blessing just to live.

Simply Spiritual Healing

Paul & Kayley bring a dynamic of deep love, honour and respect to the practices they teach and share. Coming from 2 very different lives, they have a wealth of knowledge of what life can throw at us, and how to overcome and move through these challenges.

Their journey into parenthood and union taught them humbleness, deep love and compassion, and every day still continues to do so. This is reflected in the way they hold space, in authenticity, pure love and devotion.

After connecting with their Guru Mata Vijnanamba Paramahamsa Parivrajika, mantras elevated from tools and a way of life, to THE way of life and now embody what they teach every day with the blessings of the Sri Vidya Lineage they now follow.

This collaboration is one of a kind and we are excited to welcome you.


SOUL WELLNESS HUB – Burnley Road, Halifax HX6 2TL

  1. “Antarma plays with every fibre of his being and moves every atom for miles around with his sound, making us smile, breathe, jump around and gasp at the wonders of creation. He generates so much love, I hope everyone in the world gets to hear him.” – Oona Chaplin – Actress Game of Thrones /Avatar and Speaker at UN For Protecting Nature & Indigenous People’s rights
  2. “Antarma brings more than upbeat entertainment, his work enables connection and freedom of expression. When this man bows down and wishes you peace, you can feel that it comes from a deeply meditated place.” – Jambo Truong – International Yoga Teacher & Forest Yoga Guardian
  3. “The man’s got energy and rhythms that could get mountains dancing…” – Duncan Stirling – Shamanic Storyteller & Musician


Simply Spiritual Healing

  1. “Paul and Kayley are such pure beautiful souls.
    I have done cacao ceremonies and kirtan with each of them individually and both have been amazing for different reasons.
    If more people were like Paul and Kayley the world would be a much better place.” – Emma Mason
  2. “I have been to Paul and Kayley’s wonderful cacao ceremonies and they bring a truly delightful blend of the divine masculine and feminine energies. They are so real and authentic. They create beautiful space and take you on a journey, to yourself, through mantra and song. The cacao ceremonies are deeply enriching and uplifting and help to connect us all together.” – Michala James
  3. “Paul and Kayley are two wonderful genuine people who want to support others with a passion I have not seen before. Their events are amazing. Please use any of their services with confidence.” – Caron Metcalf

Contact info@simplyspiritualhealing.co.uk for any more information


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